Friday, December 19, 2008

Journal # 6

For the last day of school before "2009", we did work!?!? Ryan and I completed activity 6 worksheet, what a joy.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Comment Cards and Comment Response Letter

Activity 4 Worksheet and Cashier's Report

Journal # 5

Today ryan gave blood so I waited for him to get back. When he came back we did our comment cards and then we wrote back comment response letters. It was boring!!!

Journal # 4

Today Ryan and I finished activity 3 and 4. We also printed the cashier's report.

Journal # 3

Today Ryan and I did Activity 2 and we did the beginning of activity 3.

Activity 2

Friday, December 5, 2008

Journal 2

Today, me and Ryan totally bombed our first two tests. On a lighter note we laminated our picture tags perfectly.

Journal 1

Today we took pictures and did activity 1, sounds exciting doesn't it?


this couple of weeks we are going to be working on tourism hospitality. My first impression of it was that it was boring, but it is coming along.